Last February I went foxhunting with the Hard Away Whitworth Hounds in Faunsdale, AL. I was the guest of Jim Horne, my girlfriend's father, who has been teaching me to ride, jump, and play polo for the past year.

For those not familiar with American foxhunting, it is a sport in which riders follow a pack of hunting hounds, led by the huntsman to seek foxes, coyote, or other prey. There is no killing involved in the sport, only searching and chasing. We rode in the 'Hill-topper' group, dully named for riding at a slightly less break-neck pace and usually watching from the hills. The hunt was exhilarating, the scenery spectacular, and the day an amazing experience (Even without seeing any foxes).
Foxhunting also requires a certain attire for the occasion. Most recognizable are the bright red hunt coats worn by the master and 'Whipper-ins'. These must be earned through years of hunting or for exceptional deeds in the field. Below are pictures of my set up (Minus the stock tie).
(Still smells like whiskey from our family trip to Scotland 3 years ago.)
Fleet Foxes - English Houses
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