'Samuel “Sambo” Mockbee dedicated his life, as a teacher and as an architect, to creating architecture that not only elevated the living standards of the rural poor but also provided “shelter for the soul.” Mockbee was so committed to this pure act of service that, in 1991, he abandoned a full-time architectural practice with Coleman Coker and the firm Mockbee Coker Architects to accept a position at the Auburn University School of Architecture. It was there that he and long time friend and Auburn professor D.K. Ruth conceived of and founded the Rural Studio.' - Citizen Architect Website

I watched Citizen Architect the other night with my parents, both of whom are architects and have meet Samuel. (I could barely hear the audio over their 'Oh! We know that guy!' interruptions)

Years ago we took a family road trip to Newburn Alabama. The architecture was very beautiful and inspiring but also very emotionally sad. The situations that the residents of Newburn live in can range from 'Terrible' to 'Awful'. The rural studio is an amazing and life changing idea that can and has been spread all over the country, and subsequently the world.
Not only was Samuel gifted with skills in architecture, construction, and interaction with all maner of people, he also made incredible paintings and sketches.

Get more information about the amazing documentary 'Citizen Architect' at their website, and also check out a great article on Sambo on the Oxford American website.
Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy